Topic Modeling – Judgments on Family Law

Through the analysis of Judgments contained on our legal database, we wondered about the possibility of isolate different topics even within a specific Law Section.  We have considered all the Judgments concerning Family Law, which are normally referred to separation and divorce issues, spousal and child support eventually ordered by Judge on a specific case.Our

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Exploring Trial Courts Legal Databases: Part 2 – Length of legal documents

Another important aspect of the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) phase conducted on text data is the statistics, which help to understand the data clearly, before employing them to train a Machine Learning (ML) model. One of the simplest statistics is the average length of the documents, which is calculated by summing up the number of

Exploring Trial Courts Legal Databases: Part 2 – Length of legal documents Leggi tutto »

Data Compliance, Algorithm Governance and Normative Science

Data Compliance, Algorithm Governance and Normative Science. China – Italy Cooperative Research Dialogue

#savethedate Saturday 10.04.2021 11 am – 2.30 pm CET – Data Compliance, Algorithm Governance and Normative Science. China – Italy Cooperative Research Dialogue Co-organization: China Institute for Socio – Legal Studies (CISLS), AI Governance and Law Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Lider Lab, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (SSSA) Clich here for the Webinar ID: 65478788807Code:

Data Compliance, Algorithm Governance and Normative Science. China – Italy Cooperative Research Dialogue Leggi tutto »

Italian French comparative remarks

Predictive Justice and personal injury damages: Italian French comparative remarks

#savethedate Friday 23.4.2021 17-19 CET – Predictive Justice and personal injury damages: Italian French comparative remarks. The webinar addresses the challenges emerging within the Italian and French debates on predictive justice. In particular, ML techniques applied to personal injury damages case-law will be discussed by scholars and judges within a multilanguage dialogue where speakers are free to intervene

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